Month: April 2021

  • Business Models for New Products with Potential Automation

    Business Models for New Products with Potential Automation

    Oftentimes when a new product that wants to take advantage of the AI/ML/Automation boom comes along, UX can be the last thing to be considered. This is short sighted. Automation based new products often don’t take into account a  In encouraging customers and early adopters to products, the UX of how the data is collected…

  • Adapting SWOT into GOKU – A Workshop Exercise

    Adapting SWOT into GOKU – A Workshop Exercise

    It has occurred many times in early stage discovery work with new technology that there is a considerable amount of work being done in disparate places. Oftentimes the customer of the product and the user are the same people. In this situation it is incredibly useful to create a SWOT like exercise. This is an…

  • Data Expectation Mapping – A Workshop Exercise

    Data Expectation Mapping – A Workshop Exercise

    This is a quick exercise that I find works well in workshops and you are free to copy. When should I use a Data Expectation Map? When we are doing workshops with people who do very complex things with data the amount of context and nuance in their activities can overwhelm something like a workshop.…